Review Of James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography Of The Ex-Colored Man

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The Autobiography of the Ex-Colored Man was written by James Weldon Johnson in 1912. Johnson writes to show his trials and tribulations as a black and white man. The Souls of Black Folks was written by W.E.B Bois in 1903. Racism dates back to the beginning of human society. Many people knows racism still do exist. Racism is the belief that one race of culture is fundamental superior to another, regardless of anthropological evidence to the contrary. Johnson was born in Georgia but raise in Connecticut. Johnson thought he was white growing up as a White child. One day the principal came into his classroom and said " All the whites please stand up." Johnson stood up. The principal told Johnson to sit down. Johnson was confused. His whole life he weigh the good and bad of both races. Johnson constantly describes how the world of whites do not understand the colored people; he observes the blacks of this country as a mystery to whites. Bois was born and raise in Massachusetts. He was there for all of the experience…show more content…
Identity means finding who you are in life and where you stand. Everyone has been confused of where they fit in. They focus on racism very heavily. One famous quote about race is “No human race is superior; No religious faith is inferior. All collective judgement is wrong. Only racist make them. “(Wiesel, Eliezer). This quote shows that just because he or she thinks they are better they are not. Everyone should be equal. Another famous quote is from Nelson Mandela. He states that “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” Johnson was just like this quote; he was born to love everyone, despite their challenge. Bois just sat back and observe the world and realize people truly do learn to

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