Infosys Swot Analysis

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ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS Infosys Limited Infosys Limited (Infosys or "the company") is a provider of mainly business consulting, engineering, technology, and outsourcing services. The company offers wide range of business and technology consulting operations, systems integration, application maintenance, custom application development and production support, independent testing and validation, , infrastructure management, product engineering and lifecycle solutions, business process management, software products, and business platforms and solutions. Infosys market its services and solutions from 73 sales and marketing offices located in 33 countries. Infosys operates through eight operating segments, including financial services; communications…show more content…
TRDDC does research in Software engineering, Process engineering, systems research. Researchers at TRDDC developed MasterCraft, a Model Driven Development software that automatically creates code based on a software model, and rewrites the code based on the needs of the user. Research at TRDDC resulted in the development of Sujal, a very low-cost and effective water purifier that can be manufactured using locally available resources. TCS deployed thousands of these filters in the Indian Ocean during Tsunami disaster of 2004 as part of its relief related activities. This product is marketed in India as Tata Swach, a low cost water-purifier. Key Insights on Ratios for Infosys: 1. Operating Profit Margin(%): has consistently declined from Mar’11 to Mar’14 and has showed a marginal % increase in Mar’15. This shows that: a. the profitability of sales resulting from regular business declined from Mar’11 to Mar’14 and has showed a marginal % increase in Mar’15. b. the ability of Infosys to satisfy creditors and create value for shareholders by generating operating cash flow declined from Mar’11 to Mar’14 and has showed a marginal % increase in Mar’15. c. The financial risk of Infosys to pay off debts and liabilities kept increasing from Mar’11…show more content…
2. Gross Profit Margin(%): has decreased for two years Mar’11 and Mar’12, then showed a major slump in Mar’13, a marginal decrease in Mar’14 and a resurgence in Mar’15 to the levels of Mar’13. This means that: a. Infosys’s manufacturing and distribution efficiency decreased for two years Mar’11 and Mar’12, then showed a major slump in Mar’13, a marginal decrease in Mar’14 and a resurgence in Mar’15. b. Infosys’s financial health (the proportion of money left over from revenues after accounting for the cost of goods sold) decreased for two years Mar’11 and Mar’12, then showed a major slump in Mar’13, a marginal decrease in Mar’14 and a resurgence in Mar’15. 3. Return On Capital Employed(%): increased from Mar’11 to Mar’12, then decreased significantly in Mar’13, showed a marginal decrease in Mar’14 and crawled back up in Mar’15. This means: a. Profit, each dollar of employed capital generated for Infosys increased from Mar’11 to Mar’12, then decreased significantly in Mar’13, showed a marginal decrease in Mar’14 and crawled back up in Mar’15. b. The effectiveness of efficiently using its capital employed as well as its

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