The Enlightenment: The Age Of Exploration And The Enlightenment

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There are reasons why people want to control over something whether it is a positive thing or a negative thing. Majority of the time power is a self-esteem factor or as a way to feel superior to others. Between the time of the Age of Exploration and the Enlightenment, the desire to have power was becoming more prominent. There was a desire to have power over the people which incorporates slavery and how it began to grow into the church. The desire to have power over women and the desire to have power over God. All of these desires make up the era of how over centuries, power is more relevant and without power, there is no leadership, whether it is over a country or in the church. The desire to have power over the people starts in the 1100s…show more content…
In the 1500s, Louis the XIV reigned as an absolute monarch and made people believed that he was appointed by God to be the king, “God endowed him with all the makings of a good and perhaps even a fairly great king (DWC 15.2 “Sun Kings Shines”).” As he had a desire to have power, he went beyond anyone with full authority would do, he made nobles live at the Palace of Versailles and made the nobles follow a system of court etiquette. The court of etiquette is a list of rules that have to be followed before anyone is allowed to come before the king. Louis XIV enforces his power that since he is the ruler of France, he made anyone follow his commands treating the nobles as if they were slaves. The desire to have power, lead Louis the XIV leading France all on his own. His power lead to others wanting to have the exact motivation to reign over their own…show more content…
Starting from Louis XIV ruling over everyone and taking ownership of even the wealthiest men in the country, women began to rise and give their voice to society. In the Scientific Revolution, man was eager to hold the title as the superior one that, “Men will not be guided by their reason but by their Appetites and do what they ought but what they can” (SMW, 92 (“Questioning Women’s Submission”)). This quote from the text serves as an indicator that man will put anyone beneath them to have the power as it serves as a principal. This follows with what Mary Astell was mentioning in her reflection about how men believe they are more powerful than women because of the freedom they have and the abilities they can partake in because they are men. Women tried to be part of scholarly groups and committees but the majority of the groups were sexist, (Discussion note, Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment). Analyzing the desire for power, the majority of the time it is seen as ruling over a country and not specifically over a certain race or gender. Women were impacted and seen as less than men even though they were intellect and had similar

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