Stray Cats Case Study

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The problem of stray cats is serious in Shantou university.In May,an STU student has abducted Lili, the stray cat in STU.According to varying explanations from different sources — either released the animal in the wild or euthanized it.This guy is a freshman mechanical engineering student Xu Beiyang.The cat, known as Lili, was found shot in late May with a crossbow-type bolt and taken for veterinary surgery. Lili, pregnant at the time, successfully delivered five of six kittens. (The kittens continue to be cared for in the dorm where Lili had been convalescing.)Xu took Lili away as he thought Lili was dangerous.On May 2nd,Lili bit him.But after Lili was nearly recover form the hurt by crossbow bolt the Association of Cats and Dogs publish the information about adopting vagrant animals on the WeChat platform,describing Lili as “docile”.The behavior of publish the adopt advertising angered him.He pointed out that the injured stray animals had did harm to human being should be euthanized,instead of adopting it.Therefor,he released Lili.Meanwhile, the animal protection organization that was assisting in the animal’s recovery had come under fire, having its status as an official school organization denied, and coming under criticism for aiding feral and potentially dangerous…show more content…
Their main job is to feed stray cats and dogs on campus. They also raise money to aid injured animals and for animal sterilization; they also help feral animals find an owner.However,the campus security director Wen Ruifeng said,feeding stray animals in campus is forbidden and what the animal association was done is against campus regulations.Because it would attract more stray cats on the Sangpu mountain came to our school.They may hurt the students,therefor threatening to campus

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