Sun Tzu Art Of War Analysis

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1) Conducted strategies and the values implied in: A. ART OF WAR The strategy that was being conducted in Sun Tzu’s Philosophy “Art of War” is about how a nation can win against another nation in a war, and this was applied in the Battle of Boju at around 500 B.C which was the battle between the Wu kingdom and the Chu kingdom. There are a total of 13 chapters of the philosophy, but there are 3 key principles that stand out the most. The strategy is similar to the Chinese board game called “go” in which the object is the conquest of space, the goal is to capture the most territory with the least number of stones. Sun Tzu applied the similar things, he avoided the strongest part of Chu and attacked where it was the weakest. (Padrusch, 2009)…show more content…
We also should not be greedy, and for example just because we have better skills than the others does not mean that we are guaranteed to win, instead we must be able to subdue the enemy. Also, instead of using the “chess” strategy in which the object is to force the opponent to surrender by eliminating their pieces, we should use go strategy instead. B. KAIZEN Kaizen is used by companies in order to gain more improvement. Kaizen generates process-oriented thinking, is people-oriented, and is directed at people’s efforts.Kaizen emphasizes that the process is the target and employees can prove the improvements. There are two elements: improvement and ongoing (continuity), if lacking on one of those, then it would not be considered as kaizen. The values in this philosophy is that in order to gain more improvement, we should see problems through the process instead of the employees. For example, if a car company makes a car with bad machine, the company must take a deep look at the process that was applied to make the car, then they can identify the problem instead of blaming on the

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