Indian Student Achievement

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American Indian students struggle with academic achievement because of poverty and racism. These two identifiers are just a few of the struggles that these children have to overcome. Early achievement gaps cause many American Indian students to disengage in their academics, underperform in the classroom and eventually drop out of school (Gentry & Fugate, 2012; National Center for Education Statistics, 2012). Teachers need to understand these achievement gaps and get on board with helping these students achieve in their academics. Understanding and accepting the deep culture of the American Indian students if the first concept that teachers should consider when helping these students succeed. Concept of Deep Culture Collective orientation is…show more content…
Instead, American Indians believe that things will happen when they are ready to happen; they tend to have a much more relaxed view of time and they do not see being late as disrespectful nor do they see being late as defiant but instead the current moment governs the time orientation. American Indians value the here and now more than the future. Nonverbal communication is another concept that should be researched while teaching an American Indian student. Many American Indians teach their children to remain silent while an adult is talking to them. This is actually a sign of respect in their culture and not a sign of disrespect or not understanding. Many American Indian adults and elders believe that a child that responds to an adult to be disrespectful and a form of talking…show more content…
Lilly should be aware of the American Indian culture and the day to day details of their lives. She should not accuse Sen of cheating but instead explain to Sen and his parents the importance of some assignments being completed independently like tests and assessments. The teacher could also make a habit of allowing collaborating assignments in the class that Sen attends. Another thing that the teachers should consider is that it may not be the role of the teacher to try and teach Sen about being on time if it goes against his cultural norm. It could be introduced to Sen and his parents that it would be best to be on time to class so that Sen is not missing any instructional time instead. Finally, Ms. Lilly should not take Sen’s silence as a form of disrespect. Instead she should see his lack of response as an agreement to do as he is told by his teacher. It is not the beliefs of American Indians to be uncooperative in general; it is definitely not the teachings by American Indians for children to talk back to their elders. Ms. Lilly should absolutely address the bullying that Sen is facing. It is her responsibility to guarantee Sen’s best interest while he is in her class. Ignoring this bullying is unethical and it could push Sen away from his education instead of helping him embrace

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