Waiting For Superman Movie Analysis

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Teachers are searching for effective ways to close the achievement gap. “The achievement gap occurs when one group of students outperforms another group, and the difference in average test scores for the two groups is statistically significant” (Cowan Pitre, 2014, p. 209). Many people with low incomes usually have children who do not perform at the levels they should. Closing the gap can be a long or short process depending on how big the gap is and how effective the teacher is. According to Ford (2011) most teachers cannot close the achievement gap because they lack certain values, which include, concern, compassion, courage, commitment, collaboration, and change (p. 32). It is important to know the facts, why students fall behind, and what strategies can be used to prove that the achievement gap can be closed. Statistics…show more content…
The director of Waiting for Superman states that charter schools are kept up by the public and they are “privately managed institutions” (Hermansen, 2014, p. 511). The director discusses the high dropout rate, low achieving students, and the difference between high and low income families which contributes to the achievement gap. The filmmakers of Waiting For Superman argue that this way is the most effective way to ensure that students have a good education (Hermansen, 2014, p. 512). Teachers must feel a sense of concern and compassion to help students perform at the levels they need to be at. They should understand that the achievement gap is only hurting the students and that Hispanics and African Americans are underrepresented regarding higher education. The teacher needs to feel compassion for all students, especially blacks and Hispanics because they usually do not receive the same benefits as whites regarding educational opportunities (Ford, 2011, p.

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