Indian Literature

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As mentioned in the opening chapter and the introduction to this thesis document, it is by far easy to say that each piece of literature has been created in a certain time in the history and has at all moments contributed in the creation of masterpieces. If understood deeply it is safe to say that the literature is always a description of the times in which these pieces of work have been written. The pieces of literature are indirectly the descriptions of the times and also speak in volumes about the kind of society that was in progress during the times in which the piece of literature was being written. Throughout history whenever the talks of Indian English literature has been done it has been without doubt stories of culture, religion, caste,…show more content…
Though Narayan is not very religious in a conventional sense, the Hindu values he had imbibed in his childhood had always remained with him and are unobtrusively reflected in his writing” (Krishnan, VII). He has been a prolific writer both in terms of writing and expressing. His creations are nothing less that live characters and the kind of situations that they are caught .It showcases how complex is the social and familial setup in the traditional Indian culture which is dominated by the force of religion and Narayan set out with an ambition to be a modern writer to unshackle the same and inform the world about the real sense of the Indian tradition and what it meant to be. He has carefully picked up characters which suit the whole style of his traditional writing and make way for the demonstration of the myths and fantasies that prevail, in the traditional Indian…show more content…
The creation of Malgudi itself is a new myth. He has successfully made use of myth in different directions, thematically, technically and literally. He has endeavored to re-alive India’s hoary past in the present contemporary reality. The myths made use of in the novels of Narayan reveal remarkable insight in perceiving and establishing links between the present world and the epic world of the ancient times. They also reveal his interest in folk literature, his faith in the ancient Indian values and his pride for the rich heritage of his own country. He is, no doubt, an adept in imaginative re- creation of mythical, mythological incidents and situations. R.K. Narayan uses only myth in a novel. Almost all his novels express Indian religious faith. He gently utilizes the humour perhaps which acts wonderfully as a spice and makes his novels appeal to all kinds of readers in India and abroad. In the words of Shyam M. Asnani, “…. His works transcend the narrow political, social and cultural frontiers and embrace human values that are valid for all times and all climes”. (p.30) In short, the selection of myths should not be for the sake of the art but for the sake of the society, then the society will evolve around the same and create space for something vivid and

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