Analysis Of IND AFF Or Out Of Love In Sarajevo

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Isabella Sella Professor Derisi Composition 2-01Z Essay 1 7 June 2015 .... How much more interesting a story becomes when the author emphasizes the importance of its small details? “Fay Weldon”, the author of “IND AFF or Out of Love in Sarajevo”, did a great job when setting up her story in a specific way to teach a lesson about life, love, and morality for a young unnamed lady who narrates the story in first person. This young woman of the age of twenty-five travels to Sarajevo, Bosnia, with her forty-six years old married—but undecided about his marriage—Professor Peter, in which she is in love with. Weldon compares the narrator’s complicate affair story with her professor to the story of the assassin Princip, who murdered the Archduke Franz…show more content…
The narrator’s good trip expectation goes away in the very first sentence for she starts the short story by saying “This is a sad story. It has to be. It rained in Sarajevo, and we had expected fine weather” (Weldon 205). Moreover, the narrator describes the weather as rainy, as she notes “black clouds” showed by satellite pictures “all over Europe” (206). The unexpected bad weather symbolizes the imminent trouble that in this case is the deficit of love that happens between Mrs. Piper and his student. However, the author leaves up to the readers to interpret if the rain means trouble or a new beginning for the characters since the narrator realizes that she might not love Professor Peter. For this reason, some readers also interpret the rain as a meaning of purification instead of trouble. The rain washed away all the narrator’s desire of being with Peter and prevented her to be in love with him for the rest of her life. It is also showed in the story that the characters tried to avoid such cleansing when the narrator discloses that they were “sheltered from the rain” in places such as Serbia and Croatia, and “now [they] spent a wet couple of days in Sarajevo beneath other people’s umbrellas” (206). Based in this implication, the author reveals to its readers that the couple did not want to acknowledge their mistakes, in which had occurred in the same place as the assassin Princip murdered the archduke Franz…show more content…
Long after the assassination of the archduke Franz Ferdinand in which occurred in 1914, the narrator and her professor have a trip to visit and discuss about a historical event that happened in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. Two crimes of passion are compared during the narration. One of them is the story of the nationalistic Princip, who assassinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and her wife, which the readers cannot forget, to revenge his country. Weldon also mentions the story between the narrator and Mrs. Piper. According to the narrator, their love was nothing more than an “inordinate affection”, in which is described by Peter as being a sin (208). It is obviously drawn two parallels story in the same place in

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