Inca Religion

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onclusion Astronomy is a vital component in the dailyevery day life of an average Inca. Without it, they wouldn’t have a fundamental core belief within spiritual life. Astronomy plays a significant role in the spirit, mind and body of an Inca, affecting their transcendent beliefs. Their beliefs and religion are based around the idea of various deity’s, with their main focus being the Inti God. Within the Inca religion, the Inti God was the known ‘Sun God’, believed to be the ancestor of the Incas. Inti-raymi was one of the festivals held in the Inca community, honouring the sun god. In Inca belief, Viracocha, the creator of all things, set the sun in the sky. The founding Inca ancestor was believed to have been a descendent from the sun,…show more content…
Beliefs and rituals form around the basis and overarching attitude in the existence of the Inti God. The Capacocha ceremony is a prime example of the living out of the Inca faith, where it includes a ritual sacrifice of children. The ceremony of Capacocha itself was an important part of the Inca Empire, and is interpreted today as one of the several strategies used by the imperial state to integrate and control its vast empire. According to historical documentation, the Capacocha ceremony was performed in celebration of key events such as the death of an emperor, the birth of a royal son, a great victory or an annual event in the Incan calendar. Biochemical, radiological, and archaeological methods have been used explore the Inca practice of child sacrifice, resulting in the examination of three frozen bodies. These bodies of a 13 year old girl, and a 3-4 year old boy and girl were found separately in 1999, entombed near the Andean summit of Volcán Llullaillaco, Argentina. These finds shed a new light on the understanding and importance of human sacrifice to the Inti God, within the Inca culture. These frozen remains of individuals provide unusual yet valuable insights into the perception of these ceremonies. Their posture and placement within the founded shrine surrounded by artifacts, allows a unique insight into the form and duration of Inca
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