Differences And Similarities Between The Llamas And Inca Civilizations

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• Inca was a nice civilisation that was built on the mountain ranges. They named their capital city Cuzco. • The Incans controlled over 2,500 miles of regions led by Pachacuti. • They ran their empire from 1300 to 1572 until the Spaniards led by Pizarro came and destroyed the empire. • Incans (who were polytheists) believed in a god called Inti who controlled the Sun plus a god called Quilla who controlled the moon. • They also believed in a god called Illapa who controlled the rain. • They sacrificed people to make the gods happy. • Incans liked to eat maize, potatoes, tomatoes and (sometimes) meat. • Llamas and guinea pigs were their sources of meat. • They easily farmed by terrace farming. • Incan kids were treated pretty harshly…show more content…
• Maya was a great civilisation that was built on plain lands. They named their capital city Tikal. • It’s said that they first created the 52-year calendar. • They ran their empire from 1500 BC to 1542 until the Spaniards came and conquered the empire. • Mayans (who were polytheists) mostly believed in the Sun God. • Priests either sacrificed or burnt prisoners of war in the temples in order to please the gods • Sometimes they fought against their enemies only to capture some people to sacrifice. • Mayans liked to eat beans, chillies and potatoes. • Plus they ate avocados, watermelon and papaya. • They sometimes got their foods in the woods but they mostly farmed all their foods because their days were always rainy. • Mayans thought education was really, really important. • Mums taught their girls weaving and dads taught their boys to make pottery, farming and…show more content…
• If they wanted to win a battle, they sacrificed a few prisoners of war for Huitzilopochtli so he can help them win the war. • Aztecs loved to beans, avocados, peanuts, pumpkins and meat. • Rabbits, turkeys and dogs were their sources of meat. • They easily farmed all the foods they ate because they had chinampas that irrigated the lands for them. • Aztecs kids were treated quite harshly like Incan kids so they wouldn’t misbehave. If they did so, they had to stand in front of burning chillies and smell the smoke. • Mums taught their girls cooking and weaving and dads taught their boys farming, fishing and fighting. • Cherokee was one of the strongest tribe in North America. • History says that they first settled in mountain ranges like Incans did. • Because gold was found in their regions in 1828, they were forced to leave their lands by Europeans. • Cherokees (who were polytheists) believed that gods created the nature, moon, and stars. • They prayed to the Sun God to better-grow crops and bring good health to them. • They also had a festival named Green Corn Festival where they danced for the Moon

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