Importance Of Seating Arrangement

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The order in which certain persons or a group of persons sit in a prescribed manner as according to the given conditions, then it is called a seating arrangement. In the problems of seating arrangement, some conditions are given which has to be kept in mind in order to solve the given problem. Multiple types of questions can be asked in seating arrangement, but the main criteria to solve it is to clearly observe, understand, analyse and then experience the facts given in the question. GENERAL GUIDELINES TO SOLVE THE QUESTION ON SEATING ARRANGEMENT:  At first the entire question should be read out very properly and understand it very clearly, what it is trying to convey.  The statements which give definite information should be identified…show more content…
The seating arrangement along with the direction when the persons are facing the centre is shown in the figure below: b) Distributed Circular Arrangement: In distributed circular arrangement the persons are considered to be seated around the circle but they all might not be facing the centre, some may be facing towards the centre while some might face outside the centre. The seating arrangement in this pattern is shown below: SOME IMPORTANT POINTS REGARDING CIRCULAR ARRANGEMENTS:  The movement of direction whether clockwise or anticlockwise depends upon the facing of the person. o When the person is facing the centre of the circle, clockwise direction is the left movement and anticlockwise movement is the right movement. o When the person is facing outside the circle, clockwise direction is the right movement and the anticlockwise direction is the left movement.  A quick look at the question is very important for the proper understanding of the content.  Collection of definite information and then placing the information in the right order is very important. o E.g.: A is sitting second to the left of…show more content…
 Collection of definite information and then placing the information in the right order is very important. o E.g.: A is sitting second to the left of B.  Negative information should be eliminated for the more accuracy of the question. o E.g.: A is not sitting on the immediate left of B o E.g.: B is not opposite of E.  Meaning of certain terms such as “and”,” who” ,” adjacent” in seating arrangement is given as, o If two sentences are joined using “and” then the information is talking about the 1st person.  E.g.:” A is the third person to the left B and second to the right of D”—it means that A is sitting third to the left of B who is second to the right of D. o If two sentences are joined by “who” then the information given after “who” is talking about the 2nd person.  E.g.: “A is the third to the left of B who is second to the right of D.”--- It means that A is sitting third to the left of B and B is sitting second to the right of D. o The meaning of the word adjacent is that it states next to each other not opposite to each

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