Endgame Endgame

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THE ENDGAME OR A WAKE FOR ELECTRONIC LITERATURE? Diogo Marques (CLP-FLUC-UC) "A way a lone a last a love a long the” Finnegans Wake “The end is in the beginning and yet you go on” Endgame Discussions around electronic literature as being the end of literature or even the idea that electronic literature can be the beginning of something new seem to be a good starting point. A debate that, according to Sandy Baldwin and Rui Torres are the reflex of eschatological views that “imply too much teleology and see electronic literature purely as the unfolding of the possibilities of the apparatus.” Having this statement in mind, it can be useful to consider literature as the sum of its various interrelations, a constant and intermedial process of…show more content…
And in this kind of tridimensional chessboard, each confined movement of a character has its purpose (together with each line of speech), both being of crucial importance to the “final movement” (either a check-mate or a stalemate, we do not know ). What we know is that Beckett was an avid player of chess, suffice enough to say that in Murphy (1938), his first published novel, he dedicates almost an entire chapter to a chess game between Murphy and the most intriguing patient of a mental hospital, Mr. Endon. Murphy’s moves, despite of being considered normal in the context of a usual match, cannot be compared in any way to Mr. Endon’s contemplative moves. In an exquisite dance of circular and repetitious movements, Mr. Endon moves his pieces with no purpose of loosing or wining, a situation that puts Murphy’s standard moves in some kind of banality that culminates with his total capitulation. Moreover, a strange aesthetics that seems to be mirrored in all of the analogies and repetitions we may find in Beckett’s

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