Essay On Importance Of Play

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An Article by Dr. Leong and Dr. Bodrova (2016) stated that play is especially beneficial to children’s learning when it reaches a certain degree of complexity. When children engage in play activities most of their early years, they learn to delay gratification and learn to prioritize their goals and actions. They learn to consider the perspectives and needs of other people and they also learn to represent things significantly and to regulate their behavior and actions in a deliberate, intentional way. A research by Gabriel, Doiron, Baldacchino, McKenna & O’Keef (2012) concluded that, early education stakeholders may differ in how they believe play should take shape inside ECE centers. However, they cannot deny that play does have a large impact…show more content…
Play helps build sturdy learning foundations because later levels of learning are built upon the earlier ones. All types of play, from fantasy to rough-and-tumble have a crucial role in the development of children. It is the lens through which children experience their world and the world of others. If deprived to play, they are at bigger possibility for atypical development and deviant behavior. Without play, self-control does not develop satisfactorily Goldstein, J. (2012) A research-based article by Almon, J. and Miller, E. (2011) showed some researches from different parts of the world regarding the Crisis in Early Education. One of those crisis they found out was children were pushed to early learning. They focused on the cognitive accomplishment rather than play-based learning. With all the evidences they have gathered, they found out that when children get inappropriate early education, it has a long-term negative effect. Like the latter, an essay by Gray, P. (2016) also showed researches on play deficit. He found out that most professionals who succeeded and happy are those who were not deprived in playing. He then concluded that, play deprivation is not good for children and other things. It promotes anxiety, depression, narcissism, loss of creativity and

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