The Importance Of Labour Migration In Europe

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In this chapter I will present importance of labour migration in Europe in the last 2 centuries and indicate main receving countries and nationality of immigrants. Further I will focus on process of labour market, how immigrants influence it and how they cope with it. I will explain impact immigrants on finances and economy of the receiving countries, and stress the need of foreign workers in the developed countries. Last two paragraphas I will present what legal non-governmental actors are involved in the migration process, but also the illegal actors, using desperation of people to change their life for better. 5.1 Historical background of labour migration in Europe One of the main reasons of migration is economic aspect. Based on neoclassical economics approaches we can distinguish two types of factors which encourage people to leave their homeland to move to completely new place. One category are 'push factors', which make people to immigrate because of economic difficult situation in their own country: lack of job, low living standards, worries about future of children and no hope that this situation will change in the closest future. On the other side we have so called 'pull factors' which attract immigrant to receiving country because of better job opportunities, demand for employees and…show more content…
Britain, France and the Netherlands were additionally receiving colonial workers. This trend changed in 1973 when Germany stopped recruiting immigrants and rest of countries followed the same path. However immigrants didn’t leave how it was expected, but soon they were bringing whole families to hosting countries (Castles S., Miller Mark J.,

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