Importance Of Auditing

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According to Gay &Simnett (2004), an audit is a systematic process of objectivity obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding assertions about economic actions and events to ascertain the degree of correspondences between those assertions and established criteria and communicating the result to interested users. Assertions are divided into six different categories. The existence of assets and liabilities at a given date, whether they actually exist and whether the transactions recorded are present during the period. Assets depreciate and appreciate over the time, therefore their values are to be changed over each of the periods and proper allocations are to be done. The accuracy of the amount and other data relating to the transaction are…show more content…
This need is for sufficient objective information to facilitate a broad range of economic decisions concerning the allocation of scarce economic resources. This economic rationale provides the foundation for the discipline, auditing will exist so long as the cost of the audit is less than the benefits derived from the activity, the benefit being the enhanced usefulness of information which is objective, free from bias and reliable. Audited information is more useful than unaudited information. A primary objective of auditing is to enhance the usefulness of accounting information by increasing its reliability. An audit ensures that the management’s assertions are used to prepare a true and fair set of financial statements. The audit processes to obtain evidence to validate the assertions. Independent audit reports are prepared to express an opinion as to whether the financial statements are true and fair. It also ensures that the financial statement users can use the information with reasonable assurance that it is free of material…show more content…
When it comes to fraud detection, users expect the auditors to act as investigators and they are expected to unearth even the most sophisticated fraud event. However, auditors are only required to detect fraud and inform the management or the Board of Directors that a fraud transaction has been detected and these are the information regarding the issue. It’s up to the management to act upon the matter and do an investigation. The auditors are not responsible for the investigation of fraud events. The auditors produce financial reports in such a way that is easy to understand but user are also expected to have certain degree of knowledge and on how to use and interpret financial statements. Financial statements are not for everyone to read and act

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