Importance Of Attrition In Pharmaceutical Industry

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ATTRITION OF SALES FIELD IN THE PHARMA INDUSTRY Everyone is interested in the success of the business but the real challenge lies in handling the attrition. As we all know Pharmaceutical Industry is now-a-days one of the most emerging field and it is growing at a faster rate because of the Innovative ideas, Government policies, New-technology and Patent policies etc. The medical representative leaves the organization at a greater higher rate in first three month, it may be because of several factors which is discussed later then after three months the attrition rate may be decreased and in the last three month the attrition rate is the lowest since the adaption of new technology, new skills by the employee take place. In first three months…show more content…
As there is a saying “Medical representative leaves the boss not the organization.” It’s true; people choose to leave the job because of the factors in the organization not because of the organization. Reasons may vary person to person but ultimate reason is the management because whether an employee will stay with you or not mostly depends on the way you treat them. It’s not always about the monetary aspect but self-respect of the employee also counts. Research shows that 88% of the employees leave their job for reasons other than monetary factor. Recognition of the good work also matters in an organization. When an employee works with full dedication and his work did not get recognize this leads to high attrition rate. Every employee wants to work with an organization that provides safe and secure working environment. If any organization fails to provide safe and congenial environment this will lead to disappointment among the employees and finally they leaves the organization. Employee gets frustrated when they see no career opportunities while working in an organisation. They put in their best efforts in doing their job, but when they see no opportunities coming for their career development, they get so much frustrated that they leave the organisation. Today work-life balance is another important reason for employee turnover. Some situations create extra pressure on employees such as getting…show more content…
Coaching on Interpersonal skills- As already mentioned, People leave because of their bosses, so we need to provide coaching so that relationship can be strengthen with every member of the team. Collaboration of fun at work concept- It is easier to leave a workplace where no one will miss you but leaving a place where people have good colleagues is quite difficult. So, we can use this strategy to retain people. Conclusion- Instead of looking for a way to decrease attrition, we should find ways to increase retention. As pharmaceutical sales representative are the driving force of the pharma industry, since they are going to make profit for them moreover industries invest money on their recruitment and training. Thus it is important to have an eye on attrition. It is a challenge for an industry to retain employees and for this the upper strategies can be use since the company depends on it. “The success or failure of an organization is increasingly determined by its ability to keep its best

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