Impact Of Boko Haram In Nigeria

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2 Economic Impacts of Boko Haram Insurgency Boko Haram has taken advantage of high unemployment and poverty rates in Northern Nigeria to use as a mobilizing instrument so as to find support and recruits for terrorist violence. The majority of the unemployed and poor have been frustrated as a result of government incapacity to meet their basic needs (Olojo, 2012:6).As a result of this, they have adhered to Boko Haram where they have indulged in aggressive measures such as killing of innocent citizens and suicide bombing of UN building in Abuja in 2011.For this reason, unemployment, poverty and inequality are all one of the socio-economic conditions behind Boko Haram terrorism in Northern Nigeria. With regard to Northern Nigeria, one of the main…show more content…
In the sub-section below, an attempts will be made to bring to light the impacts of Insurgency in Northern Nigeria. 4.2.1 Loss of lives and properties Boko Haram, a renown terrorist group in Nigeria has contributed to the loss of lives and properties in the country. It is associated with violence and fear. This has hindered the economic situation of the country. Boko Haram have killed many Nigerians in past years. Some of them disguised as soildiers attacking and killing people in churches, schools ,mosques.etc But since 2009 ,the number of bomb blast which has led to death has increased. In April 15,2014 ,300 school girls were kidnapped. Also in May 2014, Former president Jonathan declared state of emergency in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe where Boko Haram is active, this action made Boko Haram members retaliate by increasing its bombing and mass attacks on small towns and villages. 4.2.2 Decline in economic growth and development One of the economic effect was fall in foreign direct investment(FDI) According to the world investment report (WIR) 2013, FDI flows into Nigeria dropped by 21% in just one year from $8.9 usd billion in 2011 to $7 billion in 2012. The loss of $1.9 billion for a country in…show more content…
This shows that Nigeria oil and gas sector which is the back bone of the economy has a rate of exposure to foreign direct investment. This oil and gas sector is threatened by a group called Niger Delta avengers who are latest militant group in south to wage war against Nigerian government accused of marginalizing people in the oil-rich niger delta.(,sept 5 2016). The attacks shell and energy corporation president Buhari who is the current president has warned niger delta avengers oif vandalism and promised to deal with Boko Haram terrorist in the north. (All Aug 29,2016) The northern part of Nigeria has many tourist sited that adds to the GDP of the country. It has been destroyed due to terrorism.For instance, the famous Argungu fishing festivals, yankaki Games Reserves, Mambila plateau ,the tomb of Othman Dan-fodio have been stifled. This sites attacks tourists both at home and abroad along side various economic activities within various chain (NTOC, 2012) Furthermore, transport sector (road and air) in the north was doing very well. Road

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