Don Quixote And Dale Wasserman's Man Of La Man

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When wanting an illusion that lends hope, the desirable reality can lead to despair. Choosing to abandon reality and live in an idealistic, but illusionary world like Don Quixote, a character from Dale Wasserman’s Man of La Mancha shows that few could ever allow themselves to believe as much that Don Quixote did, but many use this escape mechanism in smaller ways during daily life. Using a drawn picture to demonstrate the differences between Don Quixote and Sancho had represented both sides of reality and illusion. The visual shows one person who contains two personalities by the name of Don Quixote and Sancho. However Sancho is the only one who knows the truth about the world and Don Quixote is only living in a fantasy. When a lady by the name of Aldonza appears, Don Quixote becomes madly in love with this lady who seems to think is a pure princess but is really a…show more content…
13) represents Quixote seeing things from a different perspective than those around him. It also shows how he chooses to change his view on life because he is not happy with it and wants to see what he desires, regardless of what the harsh reality really is. This quote also leads into two others, the first encounter of an illusion that Quixote experiences “Quixote: He changed the giant into a windmill at the last moment!” (Pg. 15) this shows his insanity by thinking a windmill is a giant. “Sancho: but I don’t see a castle, I do see something… Maybe it’s an Inn.” (Pg. 17) this represents another one of the illusions that Don Quixote has experienced and his partner Sancho explains that he doesn’t see a castle that Quixote claims to see but it is only an Inn. The quote on (Pg. 33) experiences his first encounter with Aldonza, however calls her Dulcinea, which this shows another illusion because he is so captivated by her and the thought of her being a princess when she is really just a

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