Identity Theft In America

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Americans may face many problems on a daily basis. One of these problems can be identity theft, which happens to be an important issue. Identity theft can cause great consequences for the victim. Identity theft is a complication that can happen to anyone. Some Americans neglect the fact that identity theft leads to months of financial damage, emotional stress, and many people do not follow the procedures to protect themselves against it. To begin, there is evidence to prove that identity theft can cause months of financial damage. For example, identity theft can cause the loss of thousands of dollars per victim. The amount of damage done correlates with the amount of time it takes to recognize identity theft. According to Statistic Brain, the average financial loss per incident is $5,130. Depending on the victim’s income, $5,130 can be a great blow financially. For instance, if a young adult, around the age of 18, were to lose that much money it can greatly affect their finances. In addition, identity theft can cost the victims’ time as well as money. The amount of time lost also depends on the time it…show more content…
The age group with the highest percent of identity theft incidents are people between the ages of 18-24. People within the ages of 65 and up have the lowest percent of identity theft incidents. Therefore, months of damage can be a result of identity theft. Some states in America may have a higher identity theft rate than others. For example, Arizona, California, and Florida are on the list of having the highest identity theft rate in the United States. Arizona happens to be at the top of the list, which means it has the highest identity theft rate. On the other hand, states such as South and North Dakota, Iowa, and Montana have the lowest identity theft complaint rate. South Dakota is reported to have the lowest identity theft complaint rate. All in all, even location can increase the risks of identity

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