Hypothesis In International Relations

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SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS People and states are very similar in terms of acting. Since states are governed by people, this is not very surprising. In international relations, we can find many examples of human interactions according to social psychology’s theories which come true in intrastate relations aswell. People organize their information about the social world, filter and categorize them according to related themes or subjects in schemas. They use schemas when new information comes and needs to be stored as well as when they interpret things and make decisions. Schemas are useful for both remembering past and for predicting future. To do so, some information is linked with others thus when they think about something,…show more content…
The disadvantage of schemas is they tend to stick so, people don’t give up on them easily even when there are non-compliant observations, and those observations are either ignored or forcefully fitted. States also create schemas. They link some certain structures with others thus form schemas about other states as when a state acts in certain ways, other states perceive it in a way and associate it with other behaviors. For example, although Gamal Abdel Nasser was an opponent of communism in the Egypt, his policies of pan-Arabism was seen threating to capitalist states like United States which lead them to perceive Egypt as a communist power rather than a nationalist one which led to Egypt’s exclusion from many liberal political arenas and Suez Canal Crisis later on. So, some policies remind states of others thus the schemas states form may lead to problems. Since we now can relate people and states better in terms of schema…show more content…
From the previous North Korean Leaders’ actions; United States, South Korea, Japan and many states in world have schemas about its aggression and tendency to start wars. They expect the new leader to behave in the same manner. As a quite new and young leader, Kim Jong-un (our subject) feels the need to prove his leadership skills and the ability to protect his state’s independency by standing up to the United States . In order to keep his cult promoting adulation of him in North Korea, the claims of his divine militaristic abilities should be held forward. Therefore he supports ongoing nuclear weapons tests and troop mobilizations. We should note that wanting, developing or testing nuclear weapons don’t automatically point a war or their usage. Many states do have it now, yet we haven’t faced a nuclear war. However, Kim Jong-un’s enhancement of military capability is automatically linked to aggression in United States’ and many other states’ schemas. So, United State’s Trump administration starts a policy of diplomatic and military moves against North Korea, including cyber-attacks and increased surveillance and intelligence operations, after the nation's sixth and largest nuclear test. We should note that, it is still a test, so harsh policy change and initiating a route to war via insulting tweets by United States is an example behavior towards the subject that’s consistent with United

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