Similarities Between To Kill A Mockingbird And Huckleberry Finn

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Both To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are coming of age novels, set in the deep south of America, in the 1930s and 1830-40s respectively. These eras were times when racism was a given, and it was rare to find someone who wasn't intensely prejudiced. The novels are both bildungsromans, overseeing the emotional and, in Scout's case, literal growth of the young protagonists as they gain experience in their respective societies. The events of To Kill a Mockingbird take place during the Great Depression of the 1930s, a time when slavery had been abolished but by no means were black people equal: social prejudices still forced them into the most demeaning jobs available, such as being a garbage…show more content…
This, again, clearly shows that Twain's novel is nowhere near a promotion of white supremacy and is in fact a complete satire of the white supremist culture rife in the time Twain was writing and the book was…show more content…
It's like picking up money out'n the road." Jim is described by a white boy as no more than walking money, with no purpose other than ot be "picked up", implying that he has no ability to have motivations or goals beyond serving white people, and that he isn't a "he" but a "what", and object to be used for profit. This again highlights Twain's views on racists, showing them as lacking empathy and emotions and being greedy beyond what any person would deem reasonable or ethical, comparing a living human to walking money. Both novels promote basic storylines that focus on two children growing past racism: how can this be seen as in any way promoting

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