How To Raise A Boss

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Business Raising a Boss I do want to continue writing the Raising the Boss book but I would have to rewrite it all over again. The chapters that will be in the book or the traits that a eunterpenuer should have. The book is not a priority so we can take our time. If we do publish the book we will sell it in Chicago so we can try and have a book signing down there. Or we can just market it on social media and have the book launch on line. We can sell it on amazon. I want to write this book to share what I have learned as well as my experiences that I have had in eunterpenurial ship. And I also want to help any other kids who want to be euntrepenuers. We will just have to manage our time and pace ourselves with the book and have deadlines. Origami Owl…show more content…
My goal in this business is just to make money and be able to afford basic necessities. I also want to become a leading designer within the next year or two. At the moment I am not really interested in recruiting new people to origami owl. I want to focus on selling lockets and spreading the word about origami owl around. I plan on selling origami owl to my friends a school and to family and friends back in Chicago. We will constantly post new products on our social media sights to let them know that we are selling our jewelry. I will often log on to the origami owl website and go to back office and look at videos for jewelry bars and for marketing. We will start back up our email list weekly to remind people of new
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