How Is Light Shown In Othello

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“Light, I say, light!” (Act 1, Scene 1). Othello opens with Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, shouting for light because something has been taken from him. Throughout this tragedy the concept of light and darkness is conveyed in various ways such as language, stage lighting, and literal racial divide between the Moor/Othello and Desdemona. Light generally is associated with purity, all things fresh, beginnings, and hope. Darkness on the other hand is directly correlated to the unknown, fear, and evilness. Light can also represent the truth and sight because you literally use light to reveal things in the dark. A lot of Othello relies on trust and you tend to heavily rely on your eyes to trust and see for you. “Seeing is believing” is a common phrase and as the play unfolds it’s evident that Othello doesn’t need to see to believe because he clings onto every word Iago says. Shakespeare uses light and darkness to allow him to further enhance the tragedy and betrayal that takes place throughout the play.…show more content…
Iago’s line instantly differentiates Othello and the rest of the characters. It is soon revealed that Othello and Desdemona eloped at night, which is in the darkness already setting an evil undertone to their marriage. As the play continues, Desdemona is frequently referred to as “tender” and “fair,” (Act 1, Scene 3) indicating that Desdemona is the light in the play; the purity. It is ironic though to think that Shakespeare made Iago a white man yet on the inside he’s so dark and evil and Othello light and hopeful yet of black

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