Stoppard's Use Of Archetypes In Hamlet

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Moreover, she is more concerned about pleasing his new Husband Claudius than taking care of his mourning son, Hamlet. However, when Hamlet confronted her about her immediate marriage with Claudius, she found out that it devastated Hamlet. As a result, she feel responsible for her son’s issues. Towards the end of the play in act VI, she become the mother figure by sacrificing herself as she intentionally drinks the poison to save her son. Yorick’s skull plays a vital symbol in the play. Although Hamlet has often laments life’s uncertainty, he finds represented in the skull at death is certain. He states: “Now get you to my lady's chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favor she must come” (5.1.193-194). Stating that no matter what they do they cannot avoid death. Moreover, Yorick is a court jester, he spend most of his lifetime entertaining other people such as Hamlet. At the end, death has last laugh as the skulls smiles at Hamlet to mock his mortality.…show more content…
The minor characters of Hamlet such as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are elevated to the role of anti-hero protagonist. In Stoppard’s R&G, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are trapped in a world which they have no control. The law of probability are also non applicable as they toss coin for ninety-two times which it always lands heads up. The coin may also suggests that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’s lives predetermined no matter what they do. In addition, their random appearance to the plot of Hamlet indicates that they are moving in a linear fashion. They are living in an imaginary

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