Why Is Atticus Finch Important In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill A Mocking Bird (1962) I believe that this film brilliantly captures both the shadows of racism and the bright shine of the civil rights movement that was growing in the 1960s, even though the story takes place during the 1930s. In a way, it portrays discrimination as a blind, unjust hatred towards the black community. For example, in the scene where Mr. Cunningham and his friends try to lynch Tom, Scout reminds the former of the time when he gave food to her family. To me, it seemed like she had brought him back to his senses, though I might be wrong. Other examples include the scenes with Bob Ewell, especially the one where he spits in Atticus’ face for almost reaching an acquittal for Tom. After that scene, I saw him as an immature man who was full of hatred and prejudice, and the fact that he later targets Scout and Jem multiplied my distaste towards him. The movie displays how cruel and evil racism was in the past, which helped the audiences of the…show more content…
He is mature, polite, kind, and determined; he knows exactly what to say to others, he comforts his kids when they have a rough day, and he has a clear understanding of what is morally right. My favorite characteristic of him is that he tries his hardest to prove Tom innocent and reunite him with his family, despite the insults thrown at him. I can relate with his determination and grit, for I would use all of my effort to overcome my obstacles and reach my goals. In fact, I would devote a whole day to writing a paper if it was absolutely necessary. I also carry a strong desire to do what I feel is right; I would always ask my friends and family if there was anything I could do to help them, and I would support them if they face a challenging issue. I am sure that lots of people can relate with Atticus in some way, and that also makes him a likable character, in addition to all of his good
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