Calpurnia Influence On To Kill A Mockingbird

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Children from a young age are affected by the people and things around them. In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a MockingBird, we see events through the eyes of scout who is 6 years old when the novel begins. As Jem and Scout grows up, they are influenced by this characters in the story. Calpurnia, Miss Maudie and Mrs Dubose are minor characters who influence the values and beliefs of Jem and Scout. Calpurnia has influenced the values and belief on the children by taking the role of a surrogate mother. This includes teaching the children how to act in a respectable manner. Calpurnia teaches the children morality and good manners. For example when Scout was rude to Walter Cunningham: “Don’t matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house’s…show more content…
Furthermore Calpurnia cares for the children as if they are her own. When Calpurnia took Jem and Scout to church on Sunday, she made sure to bathe them twice and layout out their best outfits. “I don’t want anybody sayin’ I don’t look after my children” (p.157). Calpurnia shows that she loves the kids no matter what her skin color is or what the town of Maycomb thinks. Calpurnia’s adoration to the Finch family is well noticed by Atticus so much that he stands up for her against Alexandra. “ She tries to bring them up according to her lights, and cals light are pretty good- and another thing, the children love…show more content…
Although the children tried to ignore Mrs Dubose comment, one day, however, her comment got out of hand. “Your father’s no better than the niggers and trash he works for” (p.135). The comment drove Jem to cut of Mrs Dubose Camellias and for a punishment, he had to read to read to Mrs Dubose for an hour each day for a month. Jem reluctantly accepted and Scout went with him. Mrs Dubose’s mean and nasty attitude towards the children impacted them later on in the book as they learn that they never really know who a person is or what they are going through till they step in their shoes. Jem does not understand why Atticus is on Mrs Dubose’s side after all she said about him.“A lady ?“After all those things she said about you, a lady?” (p.149). Mrs Dubose decision of being free of morphine before she died was a courageous decision. Her courageous choice impacted Jem later on in the book when he not only demonstrated his loyalty to his father but he had the courage to show that he can decide for himself by openly defying Atticus and refusing to leave him at the jail with the mob. Atticus also wants to make his son understand that Mrs Dubose really meant well. “According to her views, she died beholden to nothing and nobody. She was the bravest person I ever knew” (P.149). Atticus wants Jem to learn something from Mrs Dubose and through this, he does learn that
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