How Does Scout Mature In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Gloribel Momin Prof. Larry Rubin ENGL 2000-L02 October 6, 2014 Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird demonstrates a story in which various characters develop and change overtime. A young girl named Jean Louise Finch, also referred to as Scout, narrates the story. She is a developing character herself, whom over a two-year period of time, learns to understand the world she lives in as she grows up in the town of Maycomb, Alabama. The novel presents Scout in two different stages of her life: As an innocent and inquisitive young girl to an ethically mindful young lady. Over the course of the novel, many events take place, however, it is Scout’s coming of age that connect these events together into one story. She encounters various challenges that result into a lifetime's worth of lessons. Furthermore, these life lessons mature Scout emotionally and physically as she learns to live and look at the world around her through a rational perspective. Scout learns that no one is who he or she seems to be. This is one of the most noteworthy lessons she learns from her Atticus, her father. It is through Maycomb’s prejudice and judgment of Tom Robinson, Atticus’ innocent client who is convicted of raping a white woman, and Boo Radley, their recluse of a neighbor, that she…show more content…
Boo watches over Scout and Jem as if they are his own kids. Although they are oblivious to Boo’s caring nature in the beginning, Scout ultimately comprehends who he really is and where he stands. Furthermore, she does this by putting herself in his shoes, which is something she learns from Atticus’ as he explains to her that one should not judge unless you have walked around in their shoes. He mentions, “if you can learn a simple trick Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”’ (Lee p.
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