To Kill A Mockingbird Themes

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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a fictional story that takes place in Maycomb, Alabama. The book relates to many controversial issues that are still major subjects today. Tom Robinson, a young male slave, is found guilty for raping a white woman, named Mayella Ewell. He is defended by a Atticus Finch. Atticus is white father and him being Tom Robinson's lawyer, it stirs up the issue of racism. Scout and Jem, Atticus’s kids, have an unusual relationship with their father, benefiting them not only educationally, but socially. This book expresses multiple themes or concepts, that are represented by symbols. Harper Lee conveys the themes of To Kill a Mockingbird by using a mad dog, a mockingbird, and a young girl as symbols. The small scene, in chapter 10, when the mad dog is shot and killed exposes a character’s bravery and boldness. Killing the mad dog is only one of the many ways that Atticus is viewed as a man of courage. Atticus was previously known as One-Shot Finch. He had the deadest shot in Maycomb. Atticus has been through several tough issues. Even if he did not want to, all he could do is put up with it and try is best to…show more content…
As you grow up you have to face unpleasant things, even when you just want to avoiding them. You can't always do what you want all the time and To Kill a Mockingbird demonstrates this. Scout and Jem have to learn maturity fast because of events in their community. The relationship they have with their father seems to have an impact on how quickly they grow up. Towards the end of the novel, when Scout imagines how Maycomb County’s situations must have looked in Boo’s eyes, she finally realizes the love and protection that he actually had for Jem and her throughout the entire book. This makes you notice how much she has developed and grown from the beginning of the story. Scout represents the theme of growing

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