How Does Scout Mature In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, talks about the moral nature of human beings. In this story there are two young children who have to move from a child’s perspective of life, which is innocence, to a more adult perspective, which is not so innocent. Scout, the youngest, is very rambunctious, and is still learning new things everyday. Jem, the oldest, is a troublemaker, until he hits a point in his life and learns that he has to grow up. Eventually this story teaches us all the ways discrimination affects many at this time. This story takes place in Maycomb, Alabama around the time of the Great Depression in the 1930’s. There are some very mature individuals, such as Atticus, a man who teaches his children the essence of growing up and making the right decisions. Over the course of this story Scout, moves from innocence to a more mature state, by going through events and experiences that put her up…show more content…
Atticus not only teaches Scout life lessons, but shows her how to treat people equally. Scout eventually gains the knowledge to know that “[You will] see white men cheat black men every day of your life…(23.40).” Scout realizes how some white men and women treat black men and women. For example, Bob Ewell a man referred to as trash, made Tom Robinson, a black man, go to court for something he does not even do. Atticus says,“they [could not] be fair if they tried. In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always wins (p220).” Another major fairness issue Scout learns is about Boo Radley, the next door neighbor that scares everyone, that turns out to not be scary after all. Boo Radley’s parents are the ones to blame for his reputation. His parents lock him in his house, and did not want Boo to have any interaction with the outside world. Scout realizes that all parents are not fair to their
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