Essay On Integrated Working

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In what ways can integrated working with children and young people who are looked after improve? Over the years the way looked after children and young people have been cared for has gradually improved and some of these key changes are down to legislation and policy-making. This paper will look at the historical changes of the care of looked after children and the positives that have came from new legislation and policy. One of these key changes has been the way in which different services work in an integrated way to meet the ever-changing needs of these children. Integrated working is seen to be an important factor in the involvement of services that work with children and young people and is at the centre of making a real difference to their lives (Children’s Workforce Development Council, 2008). Although services have an integrated approach in service provision to date, previous failings have shown that there is still a need for improvement and a more seamless integrated working model is needed. This paper will discuss how Corporate Parenting which has been brought…show more content…
Although it would seem that Corporate Parenting is a new concept, this is not the case. Sir William Utting’s Government report ‘Children in Public Care’ mentioned the concept of the corporate parent back in 1991 (Who Cares? Scotland, 2014). Although the present emphasis of the legal corporate parent accountability originates from section 22 of the Children Act (1989), which enforces a responsibility on local authorities to safeguard and promote the welfare of each child they look after. This act also states that health, housing and education need to work with social work to look after the children and young people in their care. Basically, they are all part of the corporate family (Scottish Executive,
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