How Does Golding Present The Evil In Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, delves into the darkness of mankind and evil in people. During the novel a group of British schools crashed on an island and were stranded. Golding uses various characters and dialogue to show he sees no hope for mankind and sees evil as an inborn trait. The inborn trait of evil is brought to life throughout the book when savagery is recognized through human nature by various characters and use of dialogue. Stranded on the island the school boys run wild and plot against each other and themselves. Golding explores the fear of the unknown, the absence of authority, and the conception of the ‘beast,” to prove the evil in the boys. ‘The fear of the unknown’ is represented of the boys’ fear of the island and what could happen to them. One of the first sparks of fear happened when the boys first arrive and Piggy states “They’re all dead… an’ this is an island. Nobody don’t know we’re here. Your dad don’t know, nobody don’t know…We may stay here till we die.” (Golding. 14) The boys had just crashed on this island and already are…show more content…
The beast inside each of them was the real dilemma. Eventually the boys would have died with the island being burnt to a crisp, their food would be gone, and their water contaminated. Although they were rescued there is really no redemption for the boys. One of the boys was savagely slaughtered and Piggy was dead. Human natured had been destroyed. “… Ralph wept for the end of innocence the darkness of a man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true wise friends called Piggy.” (Golding. 202) With the thoughts in the boys minds about never being rescued brought out savages in them. Each boy knew their action would go unnoticed without adults there. Eventually when they were rescued and it was when Ralph realized that it wasn’t anything that made them savages, they already had it in

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