Summary Of The Harvest Of Sorrow By Robert Conquest

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Conquest, Robert. The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-famine. New York: Oxford UP, 1986. Print. Robert Conquest is a prominent American historian known especially for writings on Soviet history. Conquest is employed by the Hoover Institute of Stanford University, as a research fellow. He published Harvest of Sorrow in 1986, in which he argues that Stalin intentionally targeted Ukrainians because he believed that they were hostile towards the regime, and the famine was one deliberate attempt of many against the Ukrainian peasants. Conquest’s proof that the famine was intentional against the Ukrainians is the sequence of events between Stalin and the Ukrainian party leaders, which are as follows: Stalin made high grain quotas, Ukrainian party leaders told him that the quotas were too high, nevertheless Stalin maintained the policies. Graziosi, Andrea. "The Soviet 1931-1933 Famines and the Ukrainian Holodomor: Is a New Interpretation Possible, and What Would Its Consequences Be?" Harvard Ukrainian Studies 27.1/4 (2004): 97-115. JSTOR. Web. 09 December. 2014. < gateway:b11a556ace6344e1f2a995ef5e9ea03a>.…show more content…
Graziosi is an associate and professor at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, who specializes in Sovietology. Graziosi takes the middle ground between two common political theories surrounding the Holodomor. One view believes that the famine was an incidental response to bad policies, while another believes that the famine was an intentional genocide against certain nationalities. He believes elements of both views are true, and that the famine was not intended as genocide, but once bad policies resulted in famine, Stalin utilized the famine to impact the Ukrainians worse than it would

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