Lady Macbeth's Guilt Analysis

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Although Lady Macbeth is portrayed negatively, her guilt that arises after several misfortunes and her role as a caring wife proves that she’s worth pitying. Lady Macbeth deserves compassion because she truly recognized her wrongdoing. Her association with Duncan’s murder tormented her and led to her tragic fate. Generally, Lady Macbeth is regarded as a “manipulative” character for “pressuring” Macbeth to murder King Duncan. Most readers would find it hard to sympathize with someone who is involved in a murder. However, she should not be blamed for her husband’s choices. Macbeth decided to kill Duncan on his own accord. It was weak, on his part, to follow her orders without thinking for himself. As a result, Lady Macbeths “pressure” only showed what a strong character she is. Behind all that, she is truly an excellent wife who understands Macbeth’s flaws. Lady Macbeth’s desperation to help her husband might evoke the readers to feel compassion for her. She had good intentions. She displayed this when she risked her life for…show more content…
The Lords noticed that Macbeth started to talk to himself. This is because Macbeth saw the ghost of Banquo. Lady Macbeth realized that culpability is taking over Macbeth. She knows that this might jeopardize his kingship, so she convinces the Lord that he often sees visions. She makes it seem like what he is doing is completely normal. Lady Macbeth argued, “He will be well again. If much you note him you shall offend him and extend his passion. Feed and regard him not” (3.4.67). She told them to ignore Macbeth, and she would do the same. Since she was so devoted to keeping her husband safe and content, it becomes less difficult to understand why she did what she did. It is easier to sympathize with her and realize that she truly isn’t evil. But rather, she is desperate to bring the best for her and her husband. In a way, it may justify why she

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