How Do Checks And Balances Limit The Power Of The Federal Government

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The entire political system that exists in the U.S. is entirely based upon restricted government. The creators of the initial Constitution and Bill of Rights intentionally made those documents the way they are. Both of those pieces were constructed to limit the national government. Also, there are extensions to the Constitution that set limitations on the national government. However, as well as the state government is limited in power, the state governments are as well. The national executive can be limited in a couple of ways, federalism and checks and balances. It can be restricted by federalism due to sovereignty being divided between the state and national government. A federation is formed from this, therefore national government has to share the power with the states, this restricts a lot in which it can do politically. Another way federalism restricts the national executive is by all of the power in the national government being split up into three powers. The executive branch which is the president acts as the head of the state; the legislative branch which is the Congress passes the bills and holds the purse of the treasury; the judicial branch which is the Supreme Court judges whether the law is constitutional or not. Checks and balances limit the power of the national executive by making sure each of the powers of…show more content…
The establishment clause does not allow the passage of any law that prefers or forces religion of any kind. This constricts the government power by it being paired with another clause that disallows restricting the free expression of religion. The guarantee of public trial limits government power by not allowing them to do any jurisdiction privately, therefore nothing unfair can be done or else it will be seen by the public. However, not only does the national government have it’s powers

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