The Pros And Cons Of The United States Immigration Policy

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The United States Immigration Policy is a continuously changing system that has gone through mass amounts of change. At the basic level of this system, the Executive and Legislative Branch of our Federal Government play a role in ultimately how many refugee’s will be accepted into our nation, and in controlling the decisions regarding illegal immigration. When discussing legal immigrants, the legislative members consider certain factors such as: “the reunification of foreign families, admitting immigrants with skills that are valuable to the U.S. economy, protecting refugees, and promoting diversity” (Immigration Policy Center). The members have differing opinions when it comes to illegal immigration, which arises controversial debates over…show more content…
INA defines aliens as anyone who did not have United States citizenship. The name “alien” is categorized into immigrant and nonimmigrant, resident and nonresident, and documented and undocumented. Having the correct documentation is the only way to be allowed entry legally into the United States. Forms of this documentation include an “unexpired passport and either a visa, border crossing identification card, permanent resident card, or a reentry permit”(Immigration). If any form of documentation is missing or unincluded, the INA has the right to refuse the person's entry into the US. In 1986 the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) was put into place to increase the penalties of business owners employing illegal aliens in the United States. This act had both negative and positive attributes, attempting to eliminate welfare benefits to illegal aliens and legitimize certain aliens through amnesty programs. The Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments of 1986 enforced stronger control over illegal aliens marrying U.S. citizens to gain citizenship. The year 1990 brought change to the INA and further equalized how legal immigration into the U.S. would take place. Worldwide immigration to the United States was now encouraged by all foreign countries having the same amount of visa cards, and the elimination of old laws and acts that put a lighter limit to legal immigration. On March, 1, 2003 the Department of Homeland Security opened and replaced the INA. This change was influenced primarily by the 9/11 terrorists attacks, and the Bush Administration. Three agencies were split within

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