How Did The Puritans Judge Hester A Sinner

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In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hester Prynne struggles as a sinner in Puritan New England in the 1600s. She is forced to wear a scarlet letter “A” on her bosom to show that she has committed adultery. However, she is not the only sinner in her community. Though symbolism and irony, Hawthorne successfully shows that even though the Puritans seem pure, there were many defects in their society. The Puritans judge Hester because of her scarlet letter “A” on her bosom. Whenever Hester goes into town, the eyes of the Puritans create a rude “touch upon the tenderest spot” (88). They do not even care to look elsewhere on her body, for her “A” writes her story for her. Even though Hester donates to charity and makes clothes for the…show more content…
The prison door is described as “heavily timbered with oak” and “studded with iron spikes” (49). It is treated as a “portal,” for it separates the evil from the good in Puritan society (50). The oak and iron of the prison door shows that the prison is fortified — no one can go in and no one can go out. The prison itself is a tough, sad place where prisoners are kept before they are executed. The fact that the Puritans execute sinners after keeping them in prison shows that they are resentful of crimes. They mostly do not give second chances, and death is usually the answer to all of their problems. The rosebush is strategically placed outside the prison door. Compared to the menacing-looking prison door, is it pure and kind. The rosebush provides soft and luscious green and red colors against a harsh monochrome background. It is beautiful, and its beauty is comforting to the prisoners. This beauty and softness hints at forgiveness, for red roses are given to mistreated victims. They are apology flowers. The rosebush is nature’s apology to the prisoners, for the Puritans terribly mistreated them: they were mocked, scoffed at, and now they were going to be executed in front of the whole town. The rosebush also comforts prisoners as they walk to the scaffold. For example, when Hester passes the rosebush, it seems as is the rosebush is telling her that everything is going to be okay, even though she is about to be shunned by the Puritan community. This juxtaposition of softness and harshness shows that nature is purer than the Puritans will ever be, and that they are terrible people for showing no

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