Hypocrisy In The Scarlet Letter

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The Puritan society talked about by Nathaniel Hawthorne in The Scarlet Letter, is shown to be extremely hypocritical. Shown in the book, the Puritans love to criticize others, and refuse to think that they might be wrong themselves, even when their actions go against their own religion. Also, Puritan society is hypocritical because they said they only worried about God’s grace, when in reality they only talked about sin and how bad people were, like the words of Jonathan Edwards. Puritan hypocrisy can be shown through the pride the people had, the extreme punishments they used, their intolerance, and their focus on how bad other people are but how great Puritans are. The Puritan people were very proud of their perfect towns and villages, wanting…show more content…
Other Christians were driven from their towns in violent group attacks on them, because the Puritan compared these outsiders to Indians and devil-worshippers. “ It might be, that an Antinomian, a Quaker, or other heterodox religionist, was to be scourged out of the town, or an idle or vagrant Indian, whom the white man's fire-water had made riotous about the streets, was to be driven with stripes into the shadow of the forest. It might be, too, that a witch, like old Mistress Hibbins, the bitter-tempered widow of the magistrate, was to die upon the gallows. In either case, there was very much the same solemnity of demeanour on the part of the spectators; as befitted a people amongst whom religion and law were almost identical, and in whose character both were so thoroughly interfused, that the mildest and severest acts of public discipline were alike made venerable and awful.” (Chapter 2, Paragraph 1). It says something that the perfect city on a hill society kicks out people who don’t perfectly fit within their system, and condemns them to die, while going into church and being told that they should love their neighbors. The Puritans were very intolerant of foreign beliefs or things that did not agree with their leaders, and showed a lot of violence for a people who…show more content…
They thought they were set apart for God, and that those who were Puritan were those predestined to go to heaven that John Calvin talked about. “They were, doubtless, good men, just, and sage. But, out of the whole human family, it would not have been easy to select the same number of wise and virtuous persons, who should he less capable of sitting in judgment on an erring woman's heart, and disentangling its mesh of good and evil, than the sages of rigid aspect towards whom Hester Prynne now turned her face.” (Chapter 3, Paragraph 17). The people who judged Hester could not be more unfair, in their pride forgetting their own flaws, and ready to punish another instead. It is even more ironic when one considers that the Puritans listened to so many sermons about how nobody is safe from Hell. “That world of misery, that lake of burning brimstone, is extended abroad under you. There is the dreadful pit of the glowing flames of the wrath of God, there is hell’s wide gaping mouth open; and you have nothing to stand upon, nor any thing to take hold of; there is nothing between you and hell but the air; it is only the power and mere pleasure of God that holds you up.” (Jonathan Edwards, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, Paragraph 2). Edwards directly tells the Puritans that they are not safe, and that they are barely kept from hell, so they shouldn’t immediately act like
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