How Did Religion Influence The Renaissance

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Religion’s dominance has influenced social, constructional and scientific development across the world since its first creation. More specifically, it limited scientific advancement from 1300CE to 1500CE in Afro-Eurasia. Though in different forms, truth in Europe, China, the Islamic World, and India faced oppression administered by religion. In Europe, the destruction of feudalism after the Black Plague paved the way to centralized national monarchies that allowed Europe to flourish economically and culturally during the Renaissance (Tignor 431). Though Europe began to prosper again after the plague; the movement did not always have religious support. In fact, during the Renaissance religion made great attempts to limit innovation in Europe in order to maintain power. Christian clergymen were threatened by new, inventive ideas and practices that questioned religious doctrine. Like other Italian artists, philosophers, and scientists, the Italian astronomer and mathematician Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) established new concepts that contradicted Christian beliefs. These…show more content…
The Mughal Empire, which formed out of the Delhi Sultanate, was very diverse and was accepting of many forms of religion (Tignor 427). During the Mughal rule, religion did not monopolize truth nearly as much as in Europe, China, or the Islamic World during this time period. People of all religions could still trade and live successfully throughout the empire (Tignor PAGE). However, military rank and religion were still considered when determining ones social class (Tignor PAGE). Though the Mughal Empire in general did not seem to use religion as a way to directly control knowledge, the consideration of religious background could hinder one from moving up into a higher class and being able to receive schooling and thus could prompt the assumption that religion still hindered
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