Hotel Booking System Case Study

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DETAILED DESIGN INTRODUCTION: This secure hotel booking system (SISO) is designed and developed to make the existing hotel checkin system more safe and secure. As name describes that the system is secure in the way that now every user who checkin will be provided with unique login id which will be used to get the previous checkin information or to check or pay existing or current bills. User information will be saved in central database system from where his unique id will be validated from past logins or restricted blacklisted id’s provided by police or government organizations. If any of the user try to checkin with restricted id’s saved in system a message or mail will be sent to hotel admin or police staff contacts saved with us. Attributes Actor 6.1 USE CASE DIAGRAM: Following are the…show more content…
DATABASE DESIGN: The Purpose of using database is a simply collection of information or data. step (1) is create and designing a web database application is to understand what the data is to be stored in the database, what application must be built on it and what operators must frequent and subject to perform requirements. To design and describe the more different part of data base is called Database design. It is also apply to the all process of designing part, data structure, queries and forms used as part of the whole database application with database management system. The Scope of using database in secured hotel check-in system is that we used Microsoft Sql Server 2008 to store and retrieve information. All the tables and fields are created and designed accordingly to the values to be used in database. The database used in our application namely • Login Table • Bill Table • User info Table • Hotel Search Table • Hotel Master Table • Room Master Table • Booking Table • ValidId table • ProfileInfo table • Employee table • PaymentInfo table • Meals master table • Notification

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