The Pros And Cons Of Marcotting

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2.1.1 Previous study The development of roots on a stem while the stem is still attached to the parent plant is called layering. A layer is the rooted stem following detachment (removal) from the parent plant. Air layering differs, depending on whether the plant is a monocot or a dicot. (Connervj, 2010) Marcotting or air-layering techniques has been practiced in China for many years ago, and is the most popular method of propagation. Marcotting, also known as Air Layering is an asexual or vegetative method of plant propagation in which a new plant is made from a mature, established parent plant. It is a very easy and quick way to multiply or propagate woody plants. In this method, roots are induced to form on a part of the parent plant by…show more content…
This new plant is called a clone. There are six reasons and advantages to produce clones. These are with marcotting can get the high yielding by plants propagated as clones are from high yielding mother trees. By marcotting also improve the early bearing which clones are starting to produce much earlier than trees grown of seeds. The marcotting method can produce the smaller trees such the trees, even fully grown, stay smaller and so need not as much space in the garden or block and are easier to harvest. Other than that, improvements for good quality of the fruits of clones have a better quality than plants from seeds. The trees by marcotting method guaranteed harvest and can select female trees and so your harvest will be bigger. The last advantage is can give better care for smaller trees allow easier control of pest and diseases and simplifies orchard management. (F&N, 2004) 2.1.3 Disadvantages The disadvantages for the plant breeding method of plant propagation for air layering or marcotting are laborious and therefore expensive. Only a small number of layers can be produced from a parent plant than when the same plant is used as source of cuttings, buds, or scions. Other than that, a wider area is needed to grow stock plants to be able to produce a greater number of layers. The bigger layers need special care to establish…show more content…
To grow a good root system on plant propagation method the roots need adequate aeration, firm anchoring, adequate supply of moisture without remaining too wet too long, adequate and properly balanced mineral nutrition without excess, reasonable temperatures, and a suitable pH in their surroundings. These media can also important to maintain new root growth as the root hairs along the roots lose their ability to adsorb water and nutrient as they age, so you need to keep some level of new growth going to maximize uptake. This is why they are "easy to grow, but difficult to grow very well". You need to know what your water quality is and what it means, and then figure out how much and what to feed, and appropriate pH, and what special needs for substrate some may have. (Ron,

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