Hope High School Decision Analysis

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Admissions, Hi, I’m Reneé and I am currently a senior at Mt. Hope High School. Webb Institute is my first choice of furthering my education, and for that reason I am applying with an early decision plan. I am writing this letter in order to highlight my involvement in FIRST robotics. I first learned about FIRST in sixth grade when my school created a few teams for FIRST Lego League in 2009. The program was offered only for seventh and eighth graders, and as a sixth grader, I was not able to officially join a team. I could see what the older kids were designing however, and I watched amazing robots complete tough challenges. I knew I was going to get involved! Before I even had a team, I went to my school over the summer to build the 2010 game for my future robotics coach. In both the seventh and eighth grades, I was on a team that competed in the 2010 and 2011 Rhode Island state competitions. Each year, I had the privilege of building the Lego game boards for my school (2010-2012). I left robotics behind when I went to high school. Transitioning from a small private school, in which I spent the first ten years of my education, to a relatively large public school was a daunting task for me. I was slow to participate in extracurricular activities but now, as a senior, I am involved in many clubs, FTC robotics included!…show more content…
Although I spent some long nights at school diligently preparing for competition, it all paid off when my team was chosen as runner up for the inspire award at the Rhode Island competition. “Inspire” is one of the most prestigious awards at any FTC competition, and it secured my team’s spot at the East Super Regional Championship in Pennsylvania. It was a great privilege to be able to attend such a huge competition in

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