Robot And Frank Essay

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The film, “Robot and Frank” was such a great movie to watch and it was really heart touching. It makes you appreciate your family and life much more. It really opens up your eyes and makes you feel grateful. The first event in the movie that indicates Frank may be experiencing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease is that he still thinks his son Hunter is still going to school at Princeton. The second event in the movie that indicates Frank may be experiencing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease is that he doesn’t recognize that the librarian he talks to often is his wife from years ago. The third event in the movie that indicates Frank may be experiencing symptoms of Alzheimer’s is that everytime his daughter Madison or son Hunter calls, he always…show more content…
For example: in the film, Frank’s daughter Madison calls to check on her Dad quite often. Sometimes Frank would ask Robot who Madison was and Robot would respond back by reminding him, it is his daughter. The second event in the film that provides evidence that Frank’s relationship with Robot was meaningful was that Robot helped Frank with chores in his everyday life. The Robot would do the dishes, clean the house, make the bed, fix Frank a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A chore that was done outside Frank’s house was Robot and Frank going to the library to return some books. The most important chore that I think Robot helped out with was making sure that Frank took his medicine on time. The third event in the film that provides evidence that Frank’s relationship with Robot was meaningful was that Robot kept Frank on a schedule. Robot made the schedule to where Frank would be doing something and not just sitting around. Even though at one point in his schedule Frank was teaching the Robot how to unlock locks in public places to break in and steal things, Frank was still being busy. He was being busy because during the daytime, he would be planning out how he was going to get into the place, where the things he were going to steal would be, and how he was going to get back out safely without getting

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