Julia Gillard Research Paper

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As one of the most talked about and polarised public figures in contemporary Australian history Julia Gillard can be ranked as one of the best Prime Ministers Australia has had so far. While much can be written about the shortcomings of her government this article will focus on the positive and amazing work she did as Prime Minster, which is deliberately left out of the mainstream media. Becoming the first female Prime Minister of Australia she has set a new standard for girls and women across the country, that they can achieve whatever it is they want to achieve. Even though the way she came to power is under somewhat of a cloud she was able to rise above it and accomplish much for the nation. As it has been said a record of a Prime Minister is shaped and…show more content…
Her parents worked hard when they arrived and it was this example of hard work that has had the greatest influence on Gillard. In 1986 after much hard work and study, she graduated from university with a bachelor of Arts and Law. Julia Gillard was first elected to the House of Representatives in the 1998 federal election for the seat of Lalor, Victoria. Following the 2001 federal election, she was elected to the Shadow Cabinet and was given the portfolio of Population and Immigration. 2003 saw Ms Gillard take responsibility for both Reconciliation and Indigenous Affairs and Health. In December 2006 Kevin Rudd was elected as Labor Leader and became the Leader of the Opposition and Gillard was elected unopposed as his deputy. 2007 was a big year for Labor and MS Gillard. Labor won the election, which saw Kevin Rudd as Prime Minister and then about three years later, on the 24 June 2010 Australia had its first female Prime Minister. When she was sworn in as Prime Minister her parents, especially her father, was filled with so much pride and that pride grew day by day until his final

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