History Taking

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Introduction “Taking a patient history: the role of the nurse” is an article written by Tonks Fawcett and Sarah Rhynas in Nursing Standard Journal in the February 2012 issue. They emphasized the importance of history taking during a patient assessment. She also explained the different skills that a nurse should utilize to capture all the information needed to better help the patients. Summary of the Article More and more nurses are taking the role of history taking. “The focus of history taking involves not only identifying signs and symptoms of illness, but also the individual’s experience of the illness.” To accomplish these, nurses have to include patient’s medical, social, psychological and biographical background. Medical history is…show more content…
History taking can take place any time in increments during moments that are less stressful to patients where they can share their experiences regarding the illness. This is the nurse’s perspective of the history taking that goes beyond the structured questions where nurses can find the social and psychological aspect of the patient’s illness. History taking has to be person-centered. The whole person has to be taken into consideration. Patients with the same illness but from different backgrounds socially or psychologically can have different…show more content…
History taking can be very challenging especially to a new nurse. Nursing students have to take advantage of any simulation on history taking at school, student mentors at school and clinical environment and peer-assisted learning so they can develop these history taking strategies. Conclusion History taking is a very important part of health assessment. Obtaining a history that encompasses medical, social, psychological and biographical aspects depend a lot of the nurse’s excellent communication skills. Communication skills that comprise of the art of medical history taking, questions that are person-centered, empirical, aesthetical, personal knowledge and ethical aspects of nursing, learning how to take the history in context, taking a complete biography and utilizing family members. Evaluation of the Article Tonks Fawcett and Sarah Rhynas explained the different strategies of taking a comprehensive and accurate patient history very well but I would have wanted to see the details on how to take a history. Since I don’t take patient history at work, detailed examples under each techniques would have made me understand this article
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