Hidden Curriculum Reflection

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It seems to me there are two common points among three readings of this week. The first point is that “curriculum” is an abstract object, which is “ambiguity” (Snaza, 2014, p. 158), and “cluelessness” or “no one seemed to have much of a clue” (Egan, 2003, p. 19), and the current curriculum is not appropriate anymore due to the pressures of globalization. We, educators, are having to study and work on the curriculum although Schwab (1969) states that “curriculum is moribund” (Snaza, 2014, p. 155), and Pinar (2002) directly points out that “Curriculum Development: Born: 1918. Died: 1969” (Snaza, 2014, p. 157). The second point is that the authors of this week readings mention about “hidden curriculum” (Snaza, 2014, p. 158) or “lived curriculum”…show more content…
Only teachers of each class know the best how to design the appropriate lived-curriculum, which cannot be systematized, to suit their students’ interest and situation. As Pinar (2005) states “teachers provide educational opportunities; students are responsible for taking advantage of them” (p. 79), I believe students are looking forward to their teachers to provide them opportunities to absorb and experience the knowledge as vivid as possible, such as letting student do experiment, hands-on training, physical movement and explaining them the connection between the theory and their daily life, instead of letting them sit in the class and listen to the lectures for hours. In order to do that, it requires teachers to be proactive and fully aware of their roles in the classroom. Also, it is important for teachers to build a close rapport with their students in order to understand the students’ interest and expectation. However, it could be an “intellectual and political traps” for teachers (Pinar, 2005, p. 79) to get work burn-out, therefore, it is necessary for the teachers to have strong health, both physical and mental health, as well as the grand passion of

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