Hero's Journey

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The narrator dictates what and how a story is told; this makes the narrator one of the most important aspects of a story. Douglas Adams, author of one of the best selling science fiction novels, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy formed a unique narrative that has remained popular. The series of five books follows Arthur Dent and his alien friend Ford Prefect who travel around the universe after the destruction of the planet earth. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a picturesque model for successful writing. The author follows the structure for the hero’s journey which provides clear plot points in a convoluted story. However, the author undercuts the plot points using an excessive amount of shaggy dogs. Overall, though, the author…show more content…
Firstly, Adams’ stories invariably follow the structure for the hero’s journey. The twelve stages of the hero’s journey: the ordinary world, the call to adventure, the refusal of the call, the meeting with the mentor, crossing of the first threshold, the tests, allies, and enemies, the approach to the inmost cave, ordeal, reward, the journey on the road back, the hero’s resurrection, and the return with the elixir mark the story archetype for the modern story (Vogler 14). In Adam’s novels, however, his approach to this structure varies from novel to novel. Each novel begins where the last left off so the ordinary world the reader finds the protagonist in is different while the structure remains the same. First, Arthur Dent is found in his ordinary world on earth, living in the United Kingdom. The call to adventure is when he discovers his home is to be bulldozed. Arthur refuses this call by planting himself in front of a bulldozer in order to stop the progression. His mentor and friend, Ford Prefect convinces him to leave for a drink and along with “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the…show more content…
Illustrating an image in this manner influences one to imagine many aspects of it using our senses as a guide. In “Life, the Universe and Everything,” (the third book in the series) Adams writes “Stomp stomp. Whirr.” (Adams 360) These are the sounds a computer aboard a spaceship is making, heard by the owner of the spaceship. The author also uses personification, attributing human characteristics to inanimate objects in order to encourage a reader connection with these objects and the world they are a part of. In a book about space travel, the amount of people who can really relate to it is infinitesimal. By providing an avenue to draw reader connection to objects they are bound to be more familiar with than space travel itself, the author is creating interest, evoking emotion, and facilitating reader participation in an area where the average reader may not otherwise be able to connect. The narrative voice uses satire to make this science fiction, comedic. Satire is evident in the general structure/ bones of the series as well as the narrator voice. The author humorously embellishes aspects of real life and makes social comments on society. Before the book begins, Adams introduces the reader to the farcical nature of the book in the

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