Beowulf: The Hero's Journey

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Heroes can be interpreted in many ways, but are generally shaped into a stereotypical mold of what society’s views as heroic attributes. Older heroic stories contain heroes that are generally seen as brave, powerful and practically invincible. While newer age heroes are more friendly, vulnerable and don’t necessarily follow the general 12 stages of The Heroes Journey. Within this essay I will evaluate heroes from different time periods & backgrounds to determine who best fits the title of “hero”. Beowulf is seen as the ideal hero but can compare to the unconventional Hancock. Both exude tremendous strength and bravery; battling anything that comes their way with no regards to their safety. But they will not be tested on their abilities to properly complete or accomplish the task given to them. Their status of hero will be tested upon the Stages of a hero’s journey. I will evaluate…show more content…
Making him feel as if he is not needed, which ultimately makes him question his ability to be a true hero. So when an appreciative citizen proposes a crazy idea to help him regain his image and retake his title of hero; Hancock swiftly declines. But he soon realizes that he’s meant to be a hero; so when the opportunity arises, he decides that he must put his I don’t care attitude aside and do what he is destined to do. This stage is Hancock’s crossing the threshold moment. Hancock had a great awakening at this moment he had to do something he dreaded which was to man up and admit he’s wrong so that he could finally be respected and appreciated which led to his commitment to his journey of becoming a hero again. Beowulf’s crossing the threshold moment isn’t really as significant or life changing. His crossing moment is when he begins his journey to Herot, entering Grendel’s territory. Pushing aside the danger and truly committing to the task at

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