Health Disparities Among African Americans

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1. Brief History (Social Determinants) A. African Americans who live in rural areas suffer from multiple health disparities as a result of race and geography. B. Literature conveys advice that the social determinants of health and the social context in living conditions are key contributors to health disparities C. The way people live, learn, work, and play is defined as Social Determinants of Health and affect the health and health behaviors of African Americans. -Wilson RF, S. (2011). Social determinants of health among African Americans in a rural community in the Deep South: An ecological exploration. Rural and Remote Health, Retrieved from 2. Main points & Important Information A. Health disparities and health…show more content…
Social determinants are the key to health disparities and also are the root causes of illnesses. 3. Health Disparities & Inequalities A. The way people live, learn, work, and play are what leads to health disparities. B. Morbidity, mortality, health care and preventative health services, and environmental hazards refer to health disparities. C. When taking into account the the life expectancy, death rates, infant mortality, and other measures of health status among African Americans health disparities become noticeably related to and risk conditions and behaviors. 4. Factors/ Theories that Affect Health and Health Behaviors among African Americans and lead to disparities A. Economic Factors: “Fundamental” and refer to resources that need to be obtained. Goods and services for a healthy life. B. Physical Factors: feelings, thoughts, and other mind controlling characteristics that affect behaviors and attitudes. C. Social factors: Health may be compromised by the chronic stress of living amid multiple adverse conditions, such as poverty, unemployment, urban blight, and crime. D. Genes and biology: sex and age E. Health services or medical care: access to quality health care and having or not having…show more content…
(2005). Theories of Racial/Ethnic Differences in Health. In Minority populations and health: An introduction to health disparities in the United States. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 5. Chapters associated with topic A. I chose to focus on social determinants and African Americans because in African American communities the rate of death is extremely high B. Ch.7 Theories of Racial/Ethnic Differences in Health focused on the theories to explain disparities. C. Ch.10 African American Health Issues focused on the major health-related issues faced by African Americans. D. Ch.14 Addressing Disparities in Health and Health Care focused on connecting health statuses to health disparities. -LaVeist, T. (2005). Minority populations and health: An introduction to health disparities in the United States. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 6. Current state of affairs for selected topic A. Inequalities from neighborhood environments, socioeconomic circumstances, and medical care are essential in maintaining and initiating racial disparities in health among African Americans. B. Poor living conditions and inadequate education from low income people can harm health. Marmot, M. (2006). Social determinants of health (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 7. Government

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