Confederate Flag Research Paper

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The Confederate Flag The Confederate flag has brought an uproaring debate to the people of the United States on whether or not the flag should be displayed. The flag was created to represent the confederate states in the south who supported slavery during the Civil War. It is engendering controversy among people across the country and causing them to generate their own meaning of the flag. Everybody has a different view and opinion about the Confederate flag. Some people are offended by the flag while others do not see anything wrong with it. The major disputes about why the flag is such a controversial issue is because people reflect its history, contend how it is displayed, and argue its true meaning. One of the most important reasons why people argue about displaying the Confederate flag is because people reflect and look back on its history. Some expound it as a part of American history while others see it as a symbol of racism and hatred. “This flag is part of American history, it represents the…show more content…
People develop different opinions based on personal encounters with events relating to the flag. “People who fly the rebel flag on their cars or outside their houses or whatever are not just showing pride for their Southern roots. It's become much more; a symbol of racism and hatred...” (Manik). Some people believe that the Confederate flag supports slavery and symbolizes racism because some intimate encounters can spark experiential hatred toward the flag. Others can develop fondness toward the flag because it is ingrained as part of their daily life. “Hanging the Confederate Flag was no different from hanging an Irish flag. It represented my Southern identity” (Currie). There is no official representation of what the Confederate flag stands for because its true meaning is interpreted differently by

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